Patricia Ciorici
Doctoral Candidate in Public Affairs
“Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: Evidence from the North Camden Resident Satisfaction Survey.”
Friday, September 21, 12:20pm
Armitage Faculty Lounge, Third Floor
Lunch will be provided
Patricia Ciorici will present the results of her research on neighborhood satisfaction among residents in North Camden. The study focused on neighborhood-level attributes to identify the determinants of neighborhood satisfaction. Specifically, the study analyzed the relationships between neighborhood satisfaction, on one hand, and resident perceptions of social and physical neighborhood characteristics, including perceptions of safety, neighborhood physical conditions, quality of social interactions, access to transportation, and quality of public services in the neighborhood, on the other. The extent of social networks served as an additional measure of neighborhood social interactions. The study used the data from the North Camden Resident Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2011 and employed a binary logistic regression model for analysis.