CURE affiliated scholar Lori Minnite in the news: “Little evidence of voter fraud in key voter ID states”

Dr. Lorraine Minnite (associate professor, FASC-public policy) shared research expertise during an interview that appeared in a News21 news story.

The story also appeared on:

Arizona Capitol

Battle Creek 



The non-profit voice that needs to be heard | Zach Wood | #Connection2015

Zachary D. Wood is an advocate for social change and marginalized populations – a public advocacy crusader, if you will. He has a passion for analyzing social issues and finding new solutions, which has contributed to his constant quest for a deeper knowledge about the complexities of our most challenging social crises. Zach is the founder of Groundwork Partners, a firm that develops non-profit capacity and visionary policy solutions. He is also a PhD candidate and lecturer in Public Affairs at Rutgers University, where his research explores the role of non-profits as advocates for social/policy change.

-Via ManyNet Youtube channel

CURE receives 2016-2017 Conference and Symposium Funding Grant!!

We are thrilled to announce that we received funding for our proposed conference “Urban Policy at the Crossroads: What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?” to be held in Spring 2017! Our prospectus was selected among several competitive proposals for a Conference and Symposium Funding Grant by a committee comprised of the Dean and Associate Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-Camden.