CURE affiliated scholar Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn co-authors paper on U.S. Religious Landscape on Twitter for the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014)

U.S. Religious Landscape on Twitter

Religiosity is a powerful force shaping human societies, affecting domains as diverse as economic growth or the ability to cope with illness. As more religious leaders and organizations as well as believers start using social networking sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), online activities become important extensions to traditional religious rituals and practices. However, there has been lack of research on religiosity in online social networks. This paper takes a step toward the understanding of several important aspects of religiosity on Twitter, based on the analysis of more than 250k U.S. users who self-declared their religions/belief, including Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Specifically, (i) we examine the correlation of geographic distribution of religious people between Twitter and offline surveys. (ii) We analyze users’ tweets and networks to identify discriminative features of each religious group, and explore supervised methods to identify believers of different religions. (iii) We study the linkage preference of different religious groups, and observe a strong preference of Twitter users connecting to others sharing the same religion.

CURE sponsors graduate student research on Calculating Affordable Housing Accountability

CURE is sponsoring MPA student Brian K. Everett to conduct the following study this Fall:

“This project will apply the previously announced rules for the construction of affordable housing units given by COAH to all of the 37 municipalities in Camden County. The goal is to show what Camden County’s affordable housing image should look like as of 2014 if the rules had been followed and enforced. My hypothesis is that Camden County should display a more distributed total of affordable units based upon COAH’s formulaic guidelines, rather than 75% of the County’s responsibility existing in Camden City alone.”  B.K. Everett