CURE affiliated scholar Stephen Danley to speak at Rutgers-Camden on January 28, 2014

An event hosted by PASA (the Public Administration Student Association) features CURE affiliated scholar Dr. Stephen Danley.  

The title of his talk is: Access, Rigor and Field Work: Conversations Qualitative Researchers Have Over Drinks

Tuesday January 28th from 4:30-5:30p.m.
South ABC Conference Room, Campus

Dinner will be served


For the event flyer, please visit: Dine Discover Jan 2014 Flyer  


Paul Jargowsky’s Concentration of Poverty Report draws national attention – Economic Policy Institute Blog

African American Poverty: Concentrated and Multi-Generational

Posted January 7, 2014 at 9:45 am by RICHARD ROTHSTEIN 
In the current issue of The American Prospect, I review Patrick Sharkey’s Stuck in Place, a 2013 book that helps explain the persistent failure of educational policy to spur the upward mobility of low-income African American youth.

– See more at:

Rutgers-Camden study: Concentrated poverty in US higher than ever before

In response to the recent release of Center Director Paul Jargowsky/The Century Foundation brief: Concentration_of_Poverty_in_the_New_Millennium, reports on 12/19/2013:

A new report published by a Rutgers-Camden professor on Wednesday states there are more areas of concentrated poverty in the United States than have been previously recorded, with small to mid-sized cities showing the biggest increase in impoverished neighborhoods.

According to Paul Jargowsky a public policy professor and director of the Center for Urban Research and Education, more than 11 million Americans — about 4 percent of the population — now live in neighborhoods where two out of every five households live below the poverty line.

To read the entire article, please visit:

Op-ed on affordable housing by CURE affiliated scholar Howard Gillette Jr.

Study shows the benefits of affordable housing: Opinion

A young resident plays at Ethel R. Lawrence Homes, an affordable housing complex in Mount Laurel that has been praised as “a model for promoting greater integration and a pathway out of poverty for disadvantaged minority families throughout the United States.” (2012 file photo)

By Howard Gillette Jr.

Affordable housing, and particularly the Mount Laurel doctrine that mandates that every municipality in New Jersey has an obligation to provide its “fair share” of affordable housing, is under attack.

While Gov. Chris Christie has been rebuffed by the courts in his effort to eliminate by executive order the Council on Affordable Housing established by the Legislature to implement the Mount Laurel decisions, he has often stated his intent to change the makeup of the high court in order to get his way.

Please visit: to read the entire article.