J.J. Cutuli joins CURE as affiliated scholar

JJ Cutuli

J. J. Cutuli is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Rutgers University-Camden. His research involves the developmental processes of resilience and risk for children and families who experience high levels of adversity, such as homelessness, maltreatment, and poverty. As a developmental scientist, his work considers how factors at different levels of the person and her context come together in complex ways over time, leading to success or challenges in important outcomes like education, health, relationships, mental health, and good conduct. He received his doctorate from the University of Minnesota as an NIMH fellow with dual training in child development and clinical psychology.



Lauren Silver joins CURE as affiliated scholar


Lauren Silver is an Assistant Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden.  Lauren is an urban ethnographer.  Her research focuses on youth trajectories and the interplay of youth identities with bureaucratic, educational, and social service contexts.  She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in urban education, youth identities, gender and education, and interpretive methods. Her book, “System Lives: Adolescent Mothers and the Politics of Regulation” is forthcoming with The University of North Carolina Press.

Lauren J. Silver, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Childhood Studies