Christopher B. Goodman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and Administration at Rutgers University at Camden where he teaches public budgeting and finance, financial management and research methods courses. Christopher’s research interests include local public finance, public financial management, urban policy, and economic development. Christopher earned his PhD from the University of Georgia in Public Administration with a fields in public management, public policy and public budgeting and finance in 2012.
Category: News
Affiliated Scholar Lori Minnite quoted in the New Yorker
Affiliated Scholar Lori Minnite was quoted in a recent New Yorker article, “The Voter-Fraud Myth”:
Lorraine Minnite, a public-policy professor at Rutgers, collated decades of electoral data for her 2010 book, “The Myth of Voter Fraud,” and came up with some striking statistics. In 2005, for example, the federal government charged many more Americans with violating migratory-bird statutes than with perpetrating election fraud, which has long been a felony. She told me, “It makes no sense for individual voters to impersonate someone. It’s like committing a felony at the police station, with virtually no chance of affecting the election outcome.”
Here is a link to the full article.
Center for Urban Research and Education (Cure) and Office Of Civic Engagement Joint Seminars on Urban Issues
Investing in Urban Change
Alicia Glen
Managing Director, Head of the Urban Investment Group
Goldman Sachs
Friday, October 26, 12:20pm
Armitage Faculty Lounge, 3rd Floor
Lunch will be provided
Alicia Glen is responsible for implementing Goldman Sachs’ Community Reinvestment Act business strategy. Under her leadership, the Urban Investment Group at Goldman Sachs has become the industry leader in structuring complex public-private partnerships, catalyzing more than $4 billion of development across dozens of residential, mixed-use, and commercial projects, as well as financing job creation and neighborhood revitalization strategies like the $40 million New York Healthy Food and Healthy Communities Fund. Alicia Glen serves on several public and non-profit boards focused on community redevelopment. She was a 2010 David Rockefeller fellow is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School.
Center for Urban Research and Education (Cure) and Office of Civic Engagement Joint Seminars on Urban Issues
Peter J. O’Connor
Founder and Executive Director
Fair Share Housing Development
Friday, November 16, 12:20p
School of Social Work Building, Rm. B110
Lunch will be provided
Peter O’Connor is a longtime civil rights activist and co-counsel in the historic Mount Laurel litigation, in which the New Jersey Supreme Court, in 1975 (Mount Laurel I) and 1983 (Mount Laurel II) ruled that every municipality in New Jersey must plan, zone and take affirmative measures to provide its “fair share” of the region’s need for affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income families. Mr. O’Connor founded Fair Share Housing Development (FSHD), Inc., a nonprofit corporation, in 1986 to fully implement the settlement agreement in the Mount Laurel Township litigation with housing that would reach very low-income households. Peter’s work as a nonprofit developer dates back to the 1970s when he worked with the Carpenters Union of South Jersey on several other projects that are now owned and managed by FSHD. In 1975 Peter founded and is the Executive Director of the Fair Share Housing Center (, a public interest law firm that is New Jersey’s lead organization fighting for the rights of the low-income families to live in high-opportunity neighborhoods with decent jobs and good schools.
How Rebuilding Our Cities Can Teach Us How to Win Wars: Applying Community Economic Development Frameworks in Overseas Stability Operations
David Foster, President of Cooper’s Ferry Partnership in Camden, NJ, will give a talk on campus on December 6th from 4:00 – 5:30pm in the faculty lounge on the 3rd floor of Armitage Hall hosted by the Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs. Dave will be talking about his experience in Afghanistan helping to lead a task force that dealt with community development, social capital, public private partnerships, etc. and the applicability of lessons from the US & Camden applied in Afghanistan. On his six-month tour in Afghanistan he was a member of CJIATF–Shafafiyat, the coalition’s counter-corruption and organized crime task force. Dave’s work focused on developing key sectors of the economy and he wants to share what he learned and how it can be applied to Camden.
To view the event flyer please click here