Affiliated Scholar Lori Minnite appeared on Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane to discuss Voter Fraud and the State of Pennsylvania’s new voter ID requirements. You can listen to the discussion here.
News and Events
New Urban Reserach Project Funded
Congratulations to Affiliated Scholar Maureen Donaghy, who has received a grant from the Rutgers Faculty Research Grants Program, which is administered by the Office for Research and Economic Development for her project, “Confronting Dislocations: Civil Society Impact on Urban Policy.”
Righteous Dopefiend, April 12
Together with the Sociology Department, CURE is co-sponsoring the visit on April 12 of Philippe Bourgois, the Richard Perry University Professor of Anthropology and Family and Community Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Bourgois will deliver a talk regarding his most recent book, Righteous Dopefiend: An Ethnographic Representation of Homelessness, Addiction and Poverty in Urban America. Time and place to be announced.
“Can Camden Come Back,” Upcoming Roundtable Session
The Urban Affairs Association will hold its annual research meeting in Pittsburgh from April 18-21. There will be a roundable session organized by CURE on April 20th at 2:05pm, “Can Camden Come Back.” Paul Jargowsky will be the moderator, and the panel will feature Howard F. Gillette, Professor Emeritus at Rutgers-Camden; Anthony Perno, President, Cooper’s Ferry Development Association; and Gwendolyn Harris, Executive Director, Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs. UAA is the premier interdisciplinary organization of urban scholars in the US.
Seminar: Patrick Sharkey, NYU, March 21, at 12:20 p.m.
The Center for Urban Research and Education is pleased to announce a seminar presentation by Patrick Sharkey, Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Sociology and Wagner School of Public Service at NYU.
The title of the talk is “Thinking in Generations: The Persistence of Neighborhood Inequality and The Implications for Urban Policy.”
Sharkey is the author of the forthcoming book from the University of Chicago Press, Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress Toward Racial Equality. The seminar will be held in Armitage Faculty Lounge (third floor) at 12:20pm.