Join us for screening of “Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream (2012)” — Friday, November 21, 2014

CURE and the Digital Studies Center cordially invite you to attend the Screening and Discussion of: 

Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream (2012)

Directed by Alex Gibney

Written by Alex Gibney, Chad Beck, Adam Bolt

Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney presents his take on the gap between rich and poor Americans in Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream.  Gibney contends that America’s richest citizens have “rigged the fame in their favor,” and created unprecedented inequality in the United States.

Discussants: Paul A. Jargowsky, Ph.D., director of the Center for Urban Research and Education, and professor or Public Policy at Rutgers University;

Sheheryar Banuri, economist with the Development Research Group (Macroeconomics and Growth Team), and director of the Behavioral Science Lab at the World Bank.

Friday, November 21, 2014 12pm – 2pm
Faculty Lounge, Armitage Hall
Lunch will be served 


Prentiss Dantzler wins 2nd best APPAM Fall conference poster award

APPAM_poster_award_picCongratulations to Ph.D. candidate Prentiss Dantzler, Rutgers University Camden, Department of Public Policy and Administration, for achieving the 2nd best conference poster award at this year’s APPAM Fall research conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Next CURE seminar, Angel Rodriguez: Friday, November 14, 2014 @ 12:15pm

Please join us for our next seminar:

 “To, For, With”…


Angel Rodriguez
Vice President of Community Economic Development
Asociación Puertorriqueños En Marcha (APM) 
Friday, November 14, 2014 12pm – 2pm
Private Dining Room Campus Center
Lunch will be served 

 Philadelphia is known for being a city of neighborhoods, neighborhoods with very distinct flavors, amenities and people. How do these neighborhoods experience and deal with change? Is change something that is done “to” the neighborhood, done “for” the neighborhood or more importantly done “with” the neighborhood? (more…)

DPPA doctoral candidate Rasheda L. Weaver project selected for Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s Community Development Graduate Research Forum on 10/21/2014

RashedaDoctoral student Rasheda L. Weaver’s research project entitled “Survey of Community Attitudes and Utilization of Cooper River Park West” was part of a successful revitalization effort to restore Cooper River Park West, a park closed for over 14 years. Rasheda’s research surveyed over 100 Camden community members on their attitudes towards safety, maintenance, utilization, and desired features regarding Cooper River Park West. (more…)