Symposium on Housing, Segregation, and Poverty


Tuesday, November 17th, 2015
Dr. Gloria Bonilla Santiago Building, Cooper and Broadway, 12th floor 


(download PDF)

8:30am – 9am 
  • Registration and breakfast             
  • Opening Remarks:
    Phoebe Haddon, Chancellor, Rutgers University-Camden
    Paul Jargowsky, Director, Center for Urban Research and Education
9am – 10:30am
  • Panel 1: Neighborhoods and Social Mobility
    Chair: Paul Jargowsky
    Discussants: Paul Jargowsky, Michael Hayes

    Amy E. Schwartz, Keren M. Horn, Ingrid G. Ellen, & Sarah A. Cordes: “Do housing vouchers improve academic performance? Evidence from New York City”
    Presenter: Sarah A. Cordes

    Peter Rich: “White parental flight and avoidance: Neighborhood choices in the era of school district desegregation”

    Stuart Andreason: “How housing regulation and segregation change the labor market benefits associated with increased educational attainment”

    Edward G Goetz: “Choice and burden: Looking for fair housing’s greatest possible impact”
10:45am – 12:15pm
  • Panel 2: Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Composition    
    Chair:  Prentiss Dantzler
    Discussants:  Greg Squires, Prentiss Dantzler

    Cody Price: “Why affordable home design matters”

    Lei Ding, Jackelyn Hwang & Eileen Divringi: “Gentrification and residential mobility in Philadelphia”
    Presenter: Jackelyn Hwang  

    Frederica D. Kramer: “Eating the seed corn: Loss of social diversity in urban revitalization and potential of social impact assessment to fix it”

    Willow Lung-Amam, Katrin Anacker & Nick Finio: “Worlds away in suburbia: The changing geography of concentrated poverty in the Washington, DC metro”
    Presenter: Willow Lung-Amam
12:15pm – 1:45pm
  • Lunch Roundtable on Metropolitan Equity 
    David Troutt (Rutgers University, Newark)
    Alex Schwartz (The New School)
    Edward G. Goetz (University of Minnesota)
    Moderator: Paul Jargowsky
2pm – 3:30pm      
  • Panel 3: New Directions in Housing Policy
    Chair:  Chris Wheeler
    Discussants:  Melanie Bowers, Chris Wheeler

    Mai Thi Nguyen, Michael Webb, William Rohe & Kristin Frescoln: “Can housing vouchers and supportive services move families out of poverty? Lessons learned from a 5-year evaluation of HOPE VI in Charlotte, North Carolina”
    Presenter: Mai Thi Nguyen

    Jessica Simes: “Neighborhood attainment after prison”  

    Ingrid G Ellen, Keren M. Horn & Katherine M. O’Regan: “Using tax policy to reduce poverty concentration: Evidence from the low income housing tax credit”
    Presenter: Keren M. Horn

    Nicolas Vergara: “Ultra liberalized land market, social housing, and urban segregation. Lessons from the Chilean recent experience”
3:45pm – 4pm
  • Concluding thoughts/emerging themes:
    Paul Jargowsky                               
  • Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
    Natasha Fletcher, Associate Director Center for Urban Research and Education
4:15pm – 5pm
  • Keynote Address:  
    Professor Mark Stephens, MA, MSc, PhD, FAcSS, FRSA
    Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Environment and Real Estate, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
  • Reception                                                                                                             

250This symposium would not have been possible without the generous support of: The Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs (GAIA) and the Edward J. Bloustein School for Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University-New Brunswick; The Center for Law in Metropolitan Equity (CLIME) and The Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies at Rutgers University-Newark; The Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice, the Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences, and the Office of the Chancellor at Rutgers University-Camden; The Department of Community Development Studies and Education at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Seminar about New Jersey Community Capital

Friday 11/20/2015

Faculty Lounge
3rd Floor, Armitage

311 N. 5th Street
Camden, NJ 08102

Seminar about New Jersey

Community Capital

Sponsored by the Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs and
The Center for Urban Research and Education (CURE)

New Jersey Community Capital, a nonprofit community development financial institution fostering the creation of quality homes, educational facilities, and employment opportunities in underserved communities of New Jersey, has been contracted by the Pascale Sykes Foundation to leverage $4 million into $15 million to do economic development in Atlantic, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties. The project is called THRIVE South Jersey.

Join Marie Mascherin and Diane Sterner of New Jersey Community Capital as they describe their work in Camden and the opportunities that their initiative can provide to Rutgers students, faculty, and staff.


Ph.D. Student Explains American Community Survey Data Showing Camden’s Drop in Poverty

By Tom McLaughlin

In mid-September, the U.S. Census Bureau released the most recent data from its American Community Survey, an ongoing study that provides vital demographic information, such as jobs, occupations, house ownership, and educational attainment.

wheeler-copy2At the time, Chris Wheeler, a Ph.D. candidate in public affairs-community development at Rutgers University–Camden, read how analysts cited in local media reports were baffled by statistics showing a sudden drop in poverty in Camden. So he did a little digging.

“When I looked further into some of the demographic and economic indicators, the reasons for this drop became quite clear,” says Wheeler, a Willow Grove, Pa., resident, who grew up in nearby Glenside.
